Cult of Vin

Cult of Vin/Voidkin Daycare/Voidkin Asylum is a problematic roblox myth group that also doubled as a closed species, which is now defunct.For clarification purposes; No, this document is not meant to be aesthetically pleasing nor is it to romanticize the wrong-doings of CoV, its leaders and members. It is the document that looked the best, and frankly, we don't have the time or patience to ... de-prettify it. Deal with it. We also will all try to keep a consistent or matched typing/writing/word-style so that way no one can pinpoint who is who or target someone. Please leave us all to our own devices, we do not want any further interaction with anyone from CoV, supporter or not. Only find a way to reach out if you want something removed from this. It is only here for archival and educational purposes. -A.MEDIT: This is going to be blank as at least three of us are working in ArtFight. Please give us time to Archive everything after July. Eventually we would also like to make a timeline of events but that will be excessively difficult to do. None of us also desire to go digging for some of the things that have happened to us, and I doubt others want to do so as well for the sake of the archive. Most of this will be images and other various things if we feel it is necessary to add. -888

CW/TW: Grooming, Racism, Nazism/Antisemitism or supporting of Nazis/Nazi memorabilia, SA/Rape, Ableism/In general offensive/"dark" humor, greed/money-hungry people as well as the manipulation of minors for money, flexing potentially(Note: We are content warning the ENTIRETY of this document + the documents listed within it. We cannot guarantee it will catch everything, or be accurate for everything. These content warnings are warnings of what went on in CoV as a WHOLE. Not just this message or the messages within. -X)And probably some other things, unfortunately.

This masterlist/archive is made by a group of individuals who wish to stay anonymous. But let it be known that we, the people who run this, are all victims or in some way related to victims.Despite this, we do not encourage mob mentality without evidence. One of the main issues that was prevalent in Cov/VKA/VD was that it had a serious issue with bandwagoning, which applied to everyone. From patients to Voidkin/Toykin/Eyelings to staff, everyone had an ugly side.The people running this are no different. Some of us have done things we regret and we feel a deep shame for it. That being said, we do not wish to have any personal experiences revealed on this carrd as it is predominantly or only to be used for archived purposes. There will only be one situation listed here of a personal matter and it is shared by proxy, not by any carrd editors. -A.MHowever;

Please. Please do your research. While some people on the now dead/abandoned wiki are not wrong, they are not necessarily right either. Please educate yourselves and listen to the victims before speaking up on anything, especially if you were not there or were not there long.
Some links to important statements (If anyone on this document wants their things removed, find a way to contact us, as we will not be listing our contact information out of fear for what may happen. Many Ex-CoV members are truly... in need of help. Some of them are utterly disgusting and won't stop at any ends to harass whatever target member(s) there is.) -777The mods who are comfortable enough to say their acronyms are:
A.M = Abeo Malitia/Abe
777 = Seven or Seven-Seven-Seven
888 = Eight/Ate or Eight-Eight-Eight

Voidkin Masterlist

Unfortunately, although we have done our best to archive things as well as list the right owners, since the rightful fall of CoV, people have taken that as a sign that basic boundaries and respect can be disregarded and although it does not appear to be rampant, it has happened to at least 3-4 known individuals.Just because a group is run by horrid people and may have horrid members, does not mean you can disregard basic decency and common sense and steal something. Please keep your senses about you, and quit being disgusting children who think they can just steal whatever they want to. I don't care if you're a minor, you know better than to do this.With that out of the way, here are some important links. If they get taken down there should be back-ups. Once again, if anyone on this document wants their things removed, please find a way to reach out to a member of this carrd. We do wish we could list even a dummy email, but for the sake of safety and considering how many members acted we can't even do that. -A.M


Cult of Vin is known for being extremely unserious. It's hard to kind of escape its sheer stupidity. For context’ sake, not everyone who made these was or were immediately aware of how bad it was or how awful these things sound, so don't immediately harass these people. In general, don't go after anyone, both on the Carrd and off the Carrd?? Leave the victims alone. - A.MJumping off of that, in general, no one working on this carrd condones the bandwagon-ing of people without hard-hitting evidence that hasn't been edited/tampered with or taken out of context. If there is a chance, big or small, that you are wrong, do not go all-or-nothing. Only say something if you believe it with your whole chest and can actually back it up a thousand percent. Otherwise, you'll look like a damn fool. -777


We're going to do our best to list every single Voidkin/Toykin and what few Eyelings we can find (since those seem a bit more uncommon to be publicly listed now).
This will be periodically and regularly updated until we find the most high quality references of these things out there. We would also like to list who owns what so that way people can refer back to this if someone tries to steal something, but that will be a later project and one we will be hesitant to do, since it is reminiscent of CoV and their masterlist(s).
This also won't be alphabetized until later. But we will name everyone we recognize and what part they're on. -A.MContent warning for this part at least, it won't be JUST Voidkin, but those are the main ones we can recover and also hope to get a more high quality image of. There will be staff members and even the circus leaders references here. However, we won't be listing certain higher ups who have personally offended us.
CW: Specific mention of staff members in CoV before the fall, though some were fired prior. It is all of the mods agreed belief that people like Jordy, Sin, Sava or others should have their things discarded. We will not be preserving the works of them. The only reason we are preserving the works of Sin and Vin is for the sake of people grabbing references or finding higher quality pieces. We will also be posting art and finding a way to credit it to the best of our ability. If it is left unsaid it will simply be titled "anonymous users piece". "
Final Edit from me, holy shit, but we will also be adding memes too. Forgot to say that. Some of the people in said memes are NOT always going to be great people. Though we'll try to adhere to the rule in the spoilered message, I can't guarantee that there won't be hints or background characters that are those bad people. But we will not pick pieces with them as the main focus for the sake of the victims. - 777

Blank as of now.

The only reason this is being kept here is in case one of us feels safe or comfortable enough to post a dummy/"abandoned" account that people can upload things to. For now, it is left blank/untouched. -A.MEDIT by 888:

Fair warning; I don't suggest confiding personal information in anyone who is involved with CoV, they will screenshot it.

(In general, don't do that on the internet? Seriously. You don't know who these people are or how they act. As "close" or as a "kind and friendly" as they've been, most of the mods have seen these people flip like a light-switch. I'm being serious. Please practice internet safety, but especially in regards to Ex-CoV.)

And I can't blame all of them due to everyone betraying everyone or using things against people constantly and misquoting things. This message and all other messages by all mods are not directed. We aren't being specific to any person/people/groups/etc. And if you know who I am? Or who anyone on this Carrd is? Don't talk to any of us. Don't follow our socials. Don't acknowledge any person who has worked or will work on this Carrd. While I may not be touching it for the longest periods of time, I know no one in this group archival project wants to interact with Ex-CoV people seeing how much some of these people/cliques displayed certain behaviors.